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tv   The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino  FOX News  September 7, 2018 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> harris: so much breaking news this hour, i want to bring back the congresswoman. i'm harris faulkner. >> fox news alert, president trump set to speak any moment in fargo, north dakota after former president obama unleashed fiery attack against him while barely mentioning his name. i'm dana perino, this is "the daily briefing with dana perino." >> dana: the president covering a wide range of topics with reporters aboard air force one, about north korea and his call for justice department to investigate the writer behind the anonymous and scathing op ed in the "new york times." ellison barber is live in fargo. ellison. >> hi.
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we were not expecting the president to speak to reporters, he did on air force one a short while ago. he's in the building behind me, set to speak at a fundraising event any minutes. when he spoke to reporters, he spoke about the "new york times" op ed and wanting to know who is behind it. >> president trump: doesn't seem to be anybody high up, everybody high up said, it wasn't me. very hard -- [indiscernible] -- i will say this, for somebody to do that is very low. >> that is the investigation of the op ed -- >> president trump: i think so, i think it is national security. i would say it should be investigated and the author of that piece, i believe it is national security. >> the president is in fargo to help republican representative kevin cramer raise money for his
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senate bid. heitkamp is up for re-election in november, republicans want to take her seat, the president came to help cramer and hold a rally in north dakota. today's event aiming toward the same thing, takeing that seat come november. small group of protesters hoping to greet president trump outside this building. we saw 20 to 25 people walk toward the venue before local time. the man carrying the bull horn said the group is part of anti-trump rally organized by north ferry socialist and red river democratic socialists of america from fargo and oppose the president's agenda. the protester says it is gross because people are making minimum wage or less than minimum wage and people are spending thousands for a plate of food. this is a state donald trump won
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by 20 points. heitkamp has raised more than cramer, but cramer's campaign brought in $1 million because of this fundraiser that president trump is headlining, both candidates put out new attack ads before president trump was set to arrive here. if you have been watching t.v. the last 24 hour necessary fo o fargo, both candidates are gearing up for a big fight and hoping president trump will help them shore up a few votes and money. dana. >> dana: battle ground north dakota. thank you. alert, u.s. military kicking off exercises in syria amid concern of major offensive backed by russians and iran on the provence, the last syrian opposition forces, this as we learn the u.s. intercepted two russian bombers last weekend near alaska air space. correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon, jennifer, what is happen nothing syria?
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>> u.s. ambassador nikki haley just delivered a heated discussion, she says it has already begun. >> we consider any assault on idlib to be a dangerous efk population of the conflict in syria. air strikes by russia and the regime have begun against civilian areas. idlib. ignored today in tehran as leaders of turkey met in last-minute discussion. this is the last rebel stronghold, home to three million civilians and estimated 10,000 al qaeda-linked fighters, failed as russian president vladamir putin teamed up with iran's president hussain ruhani, who called for the u.s. to leave syria. >> what should we make of the bombers approaching the -- near
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alaska? >> another example of russia trying to test the u.s. response time. these bare bomber flights near alaska were common during the cold war. norad put out a statement saying last saturday, noon eastern, two american f-22 fighter planes intercepted two aircraft south of the allusion islands, no time did they enter the canadian or u.s. sovereign air space. all eyes are on southern syria, separate military stand off between the u.s. and russia. officials tell us twice in the last week, russia has notified u.s. military forces of its intent to enter the american controlled zone around the u.s. military outpost where u.s. special forces have been training syrian opposition to destroy isis. the u.s. is warning russian forces not to move closer to the agreed mortation line.
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>> more with cory gardener, member of foreign relations committee, joins me in the studio. you are a member of the foreign relations committee, this sounds troubling, the united states, are the warnings being heeded by russians and iranians? >> it is clear we have the hold saying, a bear in the woods, what russia is attempting to do in syria with iran, backing up the motorous assad regime, deconflikz agreements, what they are doing to push the boundary, allusion islands and missiles themselves, russia wants to engage in hostility, not necessarily direct conflict, but political confrontation and discourse that would impact the debate over the next several months. >> dana: president trump tweeted warning about use of chemical weapons there, do you know anything about that? >> that has been more uptick in conversation. u.s. is working
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against the assad regime. russia was in the attack, we can't go easy on russia, should be named state terror of russia, just like the assad regime and the state of syria. complicit with the assad regime. this is a tyrannous regime and president wants to push u.s. patience. >> dana: you wear many hats, senator from colorado, member of the committee on foreign relations, chairman of the national republican committee, big job. the take a look at president trump, tireless on the campaign trail, this is him last night. >> president trump: the democrats get back into power, they will try to reverse all of our incredible gains, gains like nobody thought possible. so this november, you need to get your friends, get your family, get your co-workers and get out and vote republican.
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>> dana: he's out on the trail, the campaign, six or seven days a week, whatever it takes. you couldn't ask for a better partner in that regard. >> he's tireless, been to west virginia, north dakota, going to be in missouri, he is somebody who understands need for republican majority in senate, been in nevada, helping dean heller, this is an important race f. we lose majority in the senate and house, we will see reversal of tax cuts, taxes will increase, we will see reversal of regulatory repeal, increased by majority in the house and senate, we can't afford this. today's news about more jobs being created, wage growth occurring, it is significant. >> dana: let me ask you about north dakota, look at heitkamp, we have a snipit of it it. >> i have two crushed discs, but the government was going to cut benefit necessary half.
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heidi fought for 2000 retirees. kevin cramer did practically nothing. >> dana: north dakota big state with small population, lots of people seeing the ads, healthcare is what they think they can win on. roll call is saying heitkamp is most vulnerable. >> north dakota is best pickup country in the country. race we have seen cramer leading, running great campaign, fighting for veterans and national defense, he understands north dakotans don't want to see higher taxes, they want lower taxes, and they do not want to see fewer exports. that is what cramer is for. >> dana: john tester, senator president trump was campaigning against is down seven on vulnerable list, is that a race you are concerned about? >> public polling shows rosendale is behind. judge kavanaugh will be
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confirmed, is my guess, with bipartisan test. does tester join the vote for judge kavanaugh? i doubt it. test in montana, whether he will stand with montana or schumer, new york. >> dana: the producer is being generous, one more question b. judge kavanaugh, you are not a member of the judiciary committee. >> embarrassing. >> embarrassing for? >> democrats. how can you say the behavior by cory booker was appropriate, the -- embarrassing. >> >> dana: do you think the vulnerable red state democrats will vote for judge kavanaugh? >> judge kavanaugh will be confirmd and confirmed with bipartisan support. they are complaining about information they need, more documentation has been provided to democrats and to the committee. than the previous -- >> dana: do you think the historyonics, of senator cory booker makes it harder for red state democrats to vote for
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kavanaugh? >> cory booker made it almost impossible for him, he called them evil f. red state democrat votes for kavanaugh, cory booker thinks they are evil, are they evil, will they stand with people of their state? >> dana: that is the question. senator, thank you. >> dana: president trump said to take the stage shortly in fargo, north dakota, after former president barack obama took jabs at him a short while ago. >> the threat to our democracy, doesn't just come from donald trump, the biggest threat to democracy is indifference. the biggest threat to our democracy is the senate. >> dana: trump will respond to obama's comments, plus nancy pelosi making anying comparison between trump voters and women dating a jerk. our panel will weigh in next. come here, babe. ok. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies.our panel will weigh.
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>> it did not start with donald trump, he is a symptom, not the cause. [applause] ba >> he's just fantasizing on resent ments politicians have been fanning for years. >> dana: former president barack obama taking aim at his successor earlier today in a speech at the university of illinois. he is expected to hit the campaign trail next week criss-crossing the country ahead of the nominations. >> dana: i'll let you go first,
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is this move something that will get democrats out to vote, or do you wor i it energize republicans, too? >> i don't worry at all it will energize republicans, i'm more concerned about making sure democrats get out to vote. dana, you probably know, democrats lead on generic ballot by 12 points, which means generic race between democrat and a republican, the democrat would by default have a 12-point advantage, but it is important democrats turn out and vote. it is important to note, we don't hear a lot from president obama a lot these days, he wants to make sure when he speaks, he's making a big statement, it is well coverd and make sure he is allowing a new generation of elected officials and leaders to use their voice. when he does speak, his words matter. his message was important. >> dana: the washington examiner, op ed said one word from obama inspires nostalgia to
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clench their race. one word from obama could sink incumbent running for their lives away from trump-loving elocatorates. that is why obama didn't endorse the most vul nearable candidates, just got off the stage with gardner, i imagine red-state democrats would not want president obama there. >> i think that is right, dana. someone who worked on campaign when is president obama was president, i'm thrilled to see him out there. he oversaw catastrophic losses when he was president and the coalition that showed up to vote for barack obama in 2008 and 2012 did not show up in 2010, or 2014 and it is one of the main reasons the democrats are in the hole they're in. him being out there and dominating the national stage, also starves much-needed oxygen for much generation of democratic leaders who can run for president. barack obama is talented
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politician, he is a figure of the past, not the future. >> dana: any minute we'll hear from president trump, he will probably have a little bit of response. let me ask you one other topic. nancy pelosi saying today, i do want to make sure they understand what he is doing to them, he being trump. did you ever know anybody who was dating a jerk, could you tell her? no. you have to wait until she figures it out for herself, hopefully before it is too late or you will drive her into his arms. is that a metaphor a lot of democratic women are hoping they can understand? >> i continuing is actually the perfect metaphor. what she's saying, voters have to decide for themselves, have to realize themselves that president trump is not enacting the policies he said he would enact on the campaign trail to improve his lives. she's drawing metaphor, i think many women out there, who have been on the dating scene can certainly identify with, which is, you know what, sometimes have you to figure out for yourself this person is not who
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you thought he was. >> dana: give relationship advice, certainly i've been there. colin, i want to ask you. nancy pelosi in the time magazine article talked about being focus of g.o.p. attacks and she said, if i weren't effective, i wouldn't be a target. that is hard to argue with. >> the fact she's still out there, and making headline system a good day for the republican party because while the mid-term map is tough in the house, when nancy pelosi is out there, it allows republicans to frame the election as a choice between nancy pelosi and the republican and not just rever d referendum on president trump. what is the choice? nancy pelosi and republicans have a punter's chance here of doing okay in the mid-terms. >> heating up, fun mid-term election, fun for us to cover, maybe not on the ground. adrienne elrod and colin reed, thanks for being here. president trump is being introduced right now. good timing for us. president trump taking the stage
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in fargo, north dakota, he's there to campaign for congressman kevin cramer. he is -- it is tight race there, with the senate republican, democrat, heidi heitkamp, she is number one vulnerable democrat and president trump is this to help kevin cramer pull it over the finish line. let's hear what he has to say. >> president trump: thank you, what a group of people. what a group. this is a big winner for us, wasn't it? this was a big one, great victory. i want to thank you, governors. doug, where are you? come on, doug, look at him. see, he gave up the good location so you could have a good location. thank you, doug, and catherine, for being here. we appreciate it. you have a man here, a special friend of mine, works with us so hard on all of the tax cuts and the regulation cuts and all of the things we do.
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your great senator, john hovan. john. where is john? thank you, john. and miky, thank you very much for being here, we really appreciate it. kevin is special, i have to tell you, i came for kevin, i've been here for kevin. he is the one that could do it, he is the one you love in this state. i said, it's time and i think you will do fantastically well and you know how well he is doing, he's really doing a fantastic job, so i want to thank him for going into the race and, you know, if you look at what he and chris has done. really turned it around. they are leading, i won't tell them by how much. i don't want to tell them by how much, but he's doing great, that is all i want to say.
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that way you work real hard. i want to thank, also, i want to thank also, kelly armstrong, who is here some place, kelly. thank you, kelly. running for congress and out there, very popular, very outstanding person and thank you very much, you are going to do fantastic, kelly, appreciate it. rick burge, rick, thank you very much, head of the republican party. thank you, rick. we want regulations. somebody very popular guy here was just interviewing me, you know who i'm talking about, great guy. and he said, what did you think of president obama's speech, he said, i'm
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sorry, i watched it, but i fell asleep. i found he's very good. very good for sleeping. take credit, take credit for this incredible thing happening to our country. if the democrats, i have to say to president obama and -- -- we were heading south, bad numbers there in the last couple of years, it was this way and going in the wrong direction. it was the weakest recovery in the history of our country
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since, i guess, to be totally specific, i'm not sure they have gone any further since the great depression in the 20s, it was the weakest recovery we ever had, barely a recovery. now this is called not recovery, this is called rocket ship. and today, today numbers came out and this is something that makes me happy. the numbers are great. job numbers are great, numbers have been incredible. almost from the beginning, took a few months to get the engine started and we did that with regulation. i mean, we did that by freeing it up. pipelines couldn't be built, i immediately approved them. dakota. how about dakota access? that was a very unfair situation and i approved it, protests, nobody called me, they just built the pipeline, it's been working ever since. a lot of jobs, it was very
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unfair. they got approval and said, you have your approvals, but you can't build it, you will never be able to build it. i was told they would never be able to build it. i approved it on day one, day one it was approved. same thing with keystone, i approved keystone. total of 48,000 jobs, more importantly, two great projects and we approved them both immediately and you would have been stuck, would have been stuck never getting that approved. so many people thank me for that. i guess more importantly, when i walked in, i was walking in with kevin cramer and walking through the door and a strong man came up to me, tough kind of a guy and said, i want to thank you, mr. president, for saving our country. and he had tears coming down his eyes. this wasn't just a statement, he had tears coming down, unless he was a real wise guy. but he had tears coming down has
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eyes and he said, i want to thank you, mr. president, for saving our country and i want to thank you for all of the horrible things you have to go through, because it's so unfair to you and it's so unfair to all of the millions and tens of millions of people that voted for you. it is true. thank you. thank you. so i really appreciated that. it is very hard for republicans and conservatives, we have a great judge right now being looked at to go up and be the next justice of the united states supreme court. this is a great intellect, he's a great man, he's a fine person. and the way they're screaming and shouting and -- it's a disgrace to our country, i don't know if anybody has been watching, they are making fools out of themselves. one of those people i will be running against in 2-1/2 years,
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i will be running against them and i look so forward to it because we'll be able to give it back. so forward to it. but the court system is very important, i'm going to be appointing and have appointed a record number of judges, we're going to be district court judges, court of appeals, we have supreme court, of course, and one of the reasons it is so important to get kevin in is just that, it could change very quickly and we could actually have, you know, this will be hopefully everything goes very well with judge kavanaugh. he's central casting. 10 years ago they said, he'll be a supreme court judge, the intellect is extraordinary and the man is extraordinary. they were saying this years ago, i heard it even before i ever thought i'd be doing this, a man named kavanaugh who was extraordinary. those are people we want on the
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supreme court. we have two of them. we'll have kim, hopefully and we have justice gorsuch, just an outstanding man, very proud of it. we have to keep it going, if we don't keep it going, that changes. if it changes, that affects your second amendment rights, that affects so many different things, we don't have to go into it, it affects different elements of your life. i know it's a big native american population and i know it's been very tough and i know heidi heitkamp hasn't done a good job helping them and taking care of them and vote because maybe they haven't had the right choices maybe they don't know what is going on with respect to the world of washington and politics, but i have to tell you with african american folks, i would say, what do you have to lose? i read a list of worst things
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you ever heard, highest crime rates, lowest homeownership. i read 10 items, they gave a list, i was making a big speech and i'm reading all these horrible things about crime and education and home and so many things. and i just said, what do you have to lose, vote for me, what the hell do you have to lose? remember that? my people, my people all came up to me, you shouldn't have said that, you shouldn't. why? the response was incredible, why? i used it over and over again and frankly we went way up. now we've produced because now african american unemployment is at the best number in the history of our country, meaning the lowest in the history of our country. and asian american, and hispanic
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american and women, 65 years, but hispanic, think of it, best number in the history of our country and asian lowest in the history of our country and i say with respect to the native americans, that i go back to where i was two years ago when i was campaigning, what do you have to lose, what do you have to lose? you put kevin cramer in that position and yooult see things happen that you will never see with heidi heitkamp, you are never going to see with heidi. so i'll say very respectfully, what the hell do you have to lose? okay. [applause] >> president trump: so i have a list and the list goes on and on, it's four pages of things that the trump administration has accomplished and short
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period of time, less than two years, goes on and on and on. i have -- if i read it to you, look at that, each dot is a thing and some things are very big things. more than four million jobs created since the election. think of that. 201,000 jobs just last month, brand-new jobs. wages growing at fastest pace in a decade and what happened this morning, did you hear 2.9%, it is like the best wage number that we've had in many, many years and that makes me very happy. to me, we had great jobs numbers this morning, just announced and they were fantastic, the one
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that stuck out to live, so not unemployment, wages are starting to go up for peep will. more americans employed than ever before in recorded history of our country. think of it, today, right now, we have more people working than have ever worked we've created 400,000, soon 600,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. well, president obama said you won't have manufacturing jobs anymore. they're not arounda. they're around. if you look at what i've done for your coal industry, it is incredible. we had a man who is in the nining business, he said, sir, what you have done for the coal industry is incredible because we were dead and now we're vibrant again. where is he? where is that guy? shout out your name, please. i signed his hat. man is probably loaded and i'm signing hats. hey, come up here, can you get him up here?
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who the hell knows who he is, he is in the coal business. who is he? come on up. see if you can get him up here. he will have to work through secret service, i'm telling you, secret service, he'll be all right. this guy wants to protect trump. [applause] >> president trump: come here. does everybody recognize him? i don't know, but he's a big -- he's one of the biggest. tell them what you said about the coal industry, do you mind? always very dangerous. >> if given an order, i guess you obey. what i said is, you know, for eight years the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat. and many, many jobs were lost and many towns were destroyed by this, it was just a horrible thing, horrible suffering that happened in this country really for made-up reasons, i think.
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and what your administration has done is bring us back to life. jobs have been -- [applause] >> jobs have been created, families now have opportunity to provide for themselves and have a great future in education and small towns in north dakota and other places survive because they have a great coal mine, a great power plant and it is what america is about. it is great to see that we again, care about those things. thank you, mr. president. >> president trump: thank you very much. [applause] >> president trump: that's so nice. now i could stand up here and talk about coal for a half an hour and i couldn't do as good a job as he just did because seriously, he's in the business. you know, we were dead and now
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we're vibrant, really a vibrant industry again and another industry that is vibrant affects you less, but affects everybody, the steel industry is coming back like i've never seen anything because of what we've done. with all the dumping, not doing so much dumping anymore. when they do dump, they are playing a lot of money on dumps they are sending in here and goes into the country and that is okay. but u.s. steel is opening up eight plants, nucor and others opening up plants, some spending close to billion dollars on brand-new plant. the steel industry is one of the great things to be talking about, the manufacturing jobs are back, coming back and coming back at levels. economic growth last quarter 4.2, new unemployment claims hit 49-year low, median, i think going through them like ah...
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think of it. median household income hit highest level ever recorded, not bad, right? these are some of the biggies. american pensions have grow 2 trillion in value since the election. i said before african american unemployment, the best ever. the best ever, lowest number ever, hispanic american, asian american. women 65 years and older, sorry about that, i like history better. historic, i joke, but women, it is 65 years, best numbers in unemployment in 65 years. it's good. it will be historic, i would say best in history very shortly, another two weeks, youth unemployment best in half a century. lowest unemployment rate recorded for americans without high school diploma, isn't that
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a great thing? nobody talks about this stuff. you probably never heard of categories, those are important categories to me. veterans unemployment reached lowest in more than 20 years and that is going up rapidly, i think democrats are doing, they are going to destroy medicare and they are going to destroy your social security. we're going to save your social security, going to keep it, not going to touch it. did you see when i campaigned, i was the only one that said, we're not touching your social security. how are you going to do it? growth. we're growing faster than even i projected, although i thought
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we'd be around that number. if i said it during the campaign, they would have laughed me off the stage. they have been trying to do that for a long time, that hasn't been working too well, has it? we're going to grow faster. the fact is, we're doing well and have 4.2, we will go higher than that. most people said 4.2, take years to get there, it didn't take years to get there, very quick. last time 3.2 and everybody was shocked. going to go higher than anybody believes. when we fixed trade deals, that has big impact. we're losing 100 billion with mexico. losing anywhere from 25 to 50 billion with canada, even though canada likes to say we have no deficit, they are smart saying that. they have a sheet out there 98.2 billion dollars. okay. they don't show us that sheet, that is meant for other reasons. but they showed 98.2 billion.
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we're working on a deal with canada, we'll see if it is good. good for us and them, i want it to be good for everybody. we cannot continue to get ripped off like we've been ripped off before. our farmers are very important to me. our farmers -- you are great patriots, you are great american patriots and it takes time. china wasn't letting you in, i mean, for peanuts, and the european union has been very tough on you. barriers, trade barriers, they sell us, but we aren't allowed to go in there. i said, we can't do that. if you do that, we'll tax your cars, it is very easy and that is the biggest money, the cars, it is all about the cars, that is the biggest money. they are all pulling cars into our country and we don't essentially don't tax them, 2.5% issue but for the most part, they don't pay, why should they pay, why pay the u.s.? they are not used to paying the u.s., now they are paying. but it is only 2.5%.
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they don't take our cars, if they do, their tariff is many, many times the amount they pay us. we tax the cars. as soon as they say that, okay, we'll make a deal. every time we have a problem with many countries, we're talking about, especially big car countries, i say, okay, look, can't make the deals, that is okay, put 20% tax on you. we'll do it, we'll do it. we'll agree. we'll agree. in some countries, including the country like canada, tax on cars would ruination of the country. the ruination of the country. they have taken advantage of us for many decades, we can't let this happen anymore. we have a company to run. we have a country to run. when i get these horrible trade deals, these are one-sided horrible deals.
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i think nafta, people forget, nafta the worst trade deal ever. world trade organization was probably the worst of all, but a lot of people don't know what that is, it allowed china to become a great economic power and i'm a big fan of president chi, but i told him, we have to be fair, we can't let china take 500 billion out of the united states and rebuild itself. we have some of the countries, they are considered growing economies, they are considered nations that are not mature yet, so we are paying them subsidies. the whole thing is crazy. you know, like india, like china, like others, we say, they're growing, i want to be put down in that category because we're growing, too, we'll grow faster than anybody. [applause] >> president trump: and -- they call them developing nations, well, we're a developing nation, too.
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we are. as far as i'm concerned, we're a developing nation. they call themselves developing nations and under that category, they get subsidies, we pay them money, the whole thing is crazy. we're going to stop it. we're going to stop it. we have stopped it. and when we're securing military, john kelly is here, general kelly, he's great. securing wealthy countries from outside harm because we're paying for their military, it is fine, but they have to pay us for this. we're watching the whole world and they take it for granted. for years and years we've been protecting these countries, they are making a fortune, have little military cost. we have the biggest military cost in the world. most goes to protecting outside countries, some of who don't even like us, some of whom don't even like us. we're protecting countries that have -- i got to
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say, respect for us now. they didn't have respect for us. they got to pay. they got to pay. you know, they are wealthy. we will protect some people that need help and that is okay that, is understandable. we all understand that. but when we're protecting massively wealthy countries, i'll not name them. you probably know some of whom i'm talking about. they got to pay. we're not going to be the protector of the world and lose a fortune and have our taxpayers paying while these other countries are living very beautifully thanks to us, not fair. we change that around. i hope everybody agrees. [applause] >> president trump: and by the way, then this idiot woodward, who wrote this book that is fiction said i said something like that, but put it in a very crude manner. the concept is true, but the way it was said was very, you know, hey, i went like to the best college, i did lots of good, you read this thing, the quotes were
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wrong, all these john kelly, general mattis, they were all writing, i never said that, i never said that. well, it is fiction, but they do put down the concept of i said that. isn't that horrible. isn't that crude? crude? you know what, i want to have our nation protected and i don't want to be taken advantage of by other countries in the world. you know what, they respect us more when they have to pay their bills and they can afford to pay their bills and it is going to make a big difference for our country, you wait, you watch, you see. [applause] >> president trump: and so many other things, i could go help with the olympics, we got olympics, just got the world cup, small stuff compared -- i must tell you, we opened nwar, potentially the biggest in the world, been trying to do it for 45 years, we have a record number of regulations eliminated
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in the history of this country in less than two years. i've cut more regulation than any other president regardless of how long they have served and i think that might have been just as important as the tax cut. regulatory relief for community banks, they were dying, the community banks, now they can loan you money, make a good deal, please. we enacted all sorts of different elements for credit unions to come so they make it possible for you. my administration providing more affordable healthcare options for americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans. we have all sorts of healthcare. we had it beaten, but that is a long story. we repealed and replaced, but we'll do it. we had it done, but something happened. but -- but we need, frankly, you are right. heidi's vote would have been great, but she voted against it. we got, if you remember, individual mandate wiped out, we
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wiped out individual mandate, the most unpopular part of obamacare. we wiped it out. then i have three more pages, two more pages just like this. look. okay. but isn't this much more exciting than listening to president obama? [applause] >> president trump: because we get thipgs done. all of this, like the general from the coal industry, i mean, i've had that from so many people, so many other industries, what we're doing for timber and lumber, what we're doing -- >> dana: energetic president trump in fargo, north dakota on the campaign trail for kevin cramer trying to beat democratic senator heidi heitkamp. politics editor for national journal has been watching both speeches, president obama kicking off campaigning and president trump, one of the funny sound bites was when president trump said when he got there, he asked if anybody
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watched the speech of president obama and the guy said, yeah, but i fell asleep, the president said, president obama, he's very good for sleeping. these two are going at it again. almost like 2016. josh. >> it does feel like 2016. this is trump country in north dakota, state trump won by over 30 points in 2016 and the best pickup opportunity for republicans on the senate map. trump was eluding to this at the beginning of the speech. both republicans and democrats have polling showing heidi heitkamp trail nothing her race against congressman kevin cramer. this race leans toward the republicans, it is north dakota senate race. >> dana: heidi heitkamp put out an ad this morning all about healthcare. i see consistently saying democrats think healthcare is number one issue they should be talking about out there, do you think that can help her turn things around in north dakota? >> look, healthcare is what democrats across the country are
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working on. north dakota is a state that doesn't look at obamacare, particularly favorably and state where the energy industry is important. trump talks about the coal industry, deregulation, that resonates with a large swath of north dakota voters, about as good state trump has for the entire country. >> dana: president trump montan ark john tester, senator there, incumbent, the democrat, president trump really wants to see him lose that seat. but tester seems to hold more steady in the polling, what is going on in montana? >> it's a tougher race for republicans in montana. montana isn't quite as republican as north dakota is. and kevin cramer is a seasoned politician, he's someone who is represented the entire state as a congressman, whereas matt rosendale is a rookie, first-time candidate getting used to running against senator john tester. tougher in montana.
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>> dana: everyone trying to focus the mind. love your podcast, against the grain, everybody which check it out. turmoil at tesla, elon musk smoked marijuana on a podcast. you'll want to hear about that next. symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
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>> dana: tesla stock dropping after founder and c.e.o. elon musk caught smoking marijuana during the joe rogan podcast yesterday. watch. >> i mean, it is legal, right? >> totally legal. >> okay. >> how does that work? do people get upset with you if you do certain thipg? >> joined by fox news contributor, what do you think of that? >> reminds me first time i got caught in the closet when i was a kid. he is out of his element, trying
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to be cool. it is legal in california? perfectly fine fochlt cus on building cars. >> dana: we're subsidizing your car building, dude. >> publicity toward not working, every time he -- just build cars. >> dana: somebody else, jeffrey owens, a young man who used to be on the cosby show, quote he gave to people magazine. you know about this, the message before the wave of support rolled in, within an hour or two, his son sent a beautiful text about how proud he was of me. i cried, broke down, he felt opposite of embarrassment, so proud i had taken the job. jeffrey owen had been an actor and lady saw him bagging groceries and put it out there and everyone went wild. >> for me, mr. owens, what is more important is keeping your lights on, food on your table. entertainment is tough. between jobs i've worked at walmart, begged for a job at
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pizza hut. they said i was overqualified. it is more important to have a job than be cool. for people making comments, how dare they, he has a right and if anybody is watching or trying to learn something, this man, you work, you put food on the table. you don't look for assistance or help, you get a job. what the job is is irrelevant, earn a living for your family. i applaud him. >> dana: i do, too. interesting he was touched by a note from his son. you are a dad. >> all i care about is the smile og my kid's face. i don't care about someone who has free time in the afternoon, should be at work. >> the woman who took the picture said she regrets taking it and putting it on social media. >> she should. >> you will be on the greg show tomorrow night. >> will you be on there? >> i will. and that guy, greg guthrow. >> tall guy, right? >> yes.
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do you think he is happy there is breaking new? >> one of his favorite things. >> do you like to sit there and torment him? >> no, he is a tiny caged bear, i stay away when he's writing his stuff. >> i will see you tomorrow night. thank you. we'll be right back. alright, i brought in new max protein give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors.
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>> alaska airlines paying tribute from a football player from the pacific northwest. they're painting the face of
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russell wilson on the outside of one of their planes. check out this time lapse video. the plane will fly matching the team's schedule this season and there's an added bonus. passengers out of seattle and wearing a wilson jersey will be allowed to get on board early. and is your social media with kids going back to school? this is a dog going back to school, too. this is hanan, a k-9 companion pup in tracing. jane is a special education teacher at harmony elementary school in new jersey. the kids love that she brings hanan along. and some dogs go to college like this guy here. the university of delaware has a puppy raising club. check out spike in the control room. he's working hard. he's the sleepiest dog i've ever seen. you can read more about these
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dogs on spike's blog at loved having you here this week. we have the kavanaugh hearings and lots of news. here's shep. >> shepard: it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 on the east coast and president trump says the attorney general jeff sessions should track down the senior official that claims to be a part of a resistance trying to protect the country from president trump. the president responding to the idea of using lie detectors to find the anonymous writer. and he says he's considering taking action against "the new york times" for running the op-ed. former president barack obama telling americans to get out and vote because our democracy depends on it. the former president says these are extraordinary and dangerous times. but there's hope for change. >>


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